Manali Chakraborty

Dec 6, 20221 min

Looking For Alaska (by John Green) #ForwardReviews

Rating - 4.8/5

The protagonist, Miles Halter (Pudge) seeks a "Great Perhaps" and decides to leave the comfort of his family - in search of something more meaningful. His story, revolved around a lot of other characters, of course, Alaska, Takumi, Chip (Colonel).

This guy has an obsession with the famous last words, of notable personas, and he says the last words "define the life one lived". The events that follow through out, are an experience. The writing is immaculate, the way the characters have been given their traits, are outstanding and I must say the famous one liners - beyond amazing.

Alaska, not very polished, an avid reader as we can say- she had a book of life to herself, we're sure she would finish it if she lasted. Her character loves pulling horrendous pranks with the Colonel, it will make you fall in love, gut you inside out, put you back so carefully inside a cradle, and then burn it down. She'll make you bawl, contemplate about labyrinths, which in fact she crawled out of, but we don't know how.

Chip, he's a cool guy; and Takumi being the one chatty and bubbly person who can blend easily.

"To be continued" Alaska said. Her last words to Miles. And yes, his life full of nothingness did continue.

Must read!

✒️ Penned by: Manali Chakraborty

Publisher: Harpercollins (February 1, 2013)

Paperback: 271 pages

ISBN-10: 9780007523528

ISBN-13: 978-0007523528

#BookReview #Fiction #Netaji125 #WhereIsNetaji
